Part II. Canadian Capers

Alan and I have got off to a slow start, taking 12 days to travel 800 miles (as the crow flies). We spent 4 days in Montreal and saw the Canadian Formula 1 Grand Prix. Alan also got his US Tourist Visa with no problems.

From Montreal, we traveled to Toronto and were amazed by the beauty of the Ontario countryside. We've met up with friendly Canadian's who've displayed tremendous hospitality. One couple took us touring around Toronto 'till 4 am.

We had our first blow out in Canada near a small town called Chatham. We were still riding on old tires so decided to buy new ones. We got a good deal on Michelins, but had to wait two days in the country town. The locals were very hospitable and we had fun.

Back in the US, we passed through 'Motor City' Detroit en route to VW of America Head Office to say "Hi" to Bonnie Cramer, who had helped us get a new engine. It was exceedingly hot and we were happy to swin in Eagle Lake, Fort Custer.

We are now heading for Chicago then Minneapolis and on to Winnipeg, Conanda. It is costing us $50 a day to travel so we need to get a move on. We normally travel everyday with 1 day to rest and do washing, per week. The part we enjoy the most though is waking up at 10 am and wondering what we'll do and see that day. (Ah! The life of the traveller...)

The Most Recent Update on Tracy's Journey

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